She plays SWEATIER, using all her letters. 24 points plus a 50 point bonus.
If it wasn't too hot to move I would strangle her right now.
I am getting sweatier. It needs to rain, to clear the air.
I am getting sweatier. It needs to rain, to clear the air.
As soon as that thought crosses my mind, I find a good word.
HUMID on a double-word score, using the D of JINXED.
The U makes a little splash of saliva when I put it down. Another 22 points.
I hope she has lousy letters.
She tells me she has lousy letters. For some reason, I hate her more.
She plays FAN, with the F on a double-letter,
She tells me she has lousy letters. For some reason, I hate her more.
She plays FAN, with the F on a double-letter,
and gets up to fill the kettle and turn on the air conditioning.
It's the hottest day for ten years and my wife is turning on the kettle.
It's the hottest day for ten years and my wife is turning on the kettle.
This is why I hate my wife. I play ZAPS, with the Z doubled,
and she gets a static shock off the air conditioning unit.
I find this remarkably satisfying.
She sits back down with a heavy sigh and starts fiddling with her letters again.
She sits back down with a heavy sigh and starts fiddling with her letters again.
Clack clack.
Clack clack.
I feel a terrible rage build up inside me.
Some inner poison slowly spreading through my limbs,
and when it gets to my fingertips I am going to jump out of my chair,
spilling the Scrabble tiles over the floor,
and I am going to start hitting her again and again and again.
The rage gets to my fingertips and passes. My heart is beating.
The rage gets to my fingertips and passes. My heart is beating.
I'm sweating. I think my face actually twitches.
Then I sigh, deeply, and sit back into my chair.
The kettle starts whistling. As the whistle builds it makes me feel hotter.
She plays READY on a double-word for 18 points,
She plays READY on a double-word for 18 points,
then goes to pour herself a cup of tea. No I do not want one.
I steal a blank tile from the letter bag when she's not looking,
I steal a blank tile from the letter bag when she's not looking,
and throw back a V from my rack. She gives me a suspicious look.
She sits back down with her cup of tea,
making a cup-ring on the table, as I play an 8-letter word: CHEATING, using the A of READY. 64 points, including the 50-point bonus,
which means I'm beating her now.